Source code for saraki.endpoints

from functools import wraps
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError

from flask import request, abort, jsonify
from flask.json import loads as json_loads
from flask.wrappers import Response
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy import func, Text
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import or_

from saraki.model import database
from saraki.exc import ValidationError
from saraki.auth import require_auth, current_org
from saraki.utility import (
    export_from_sqla_object as export_data,
    import_into_sqla_object as import_data,

[docs]def json(func): """ Decorator for view functions to return JSON responses. When the incoming request is a POST request, it validates the content_type and payload before calling the view function. Next, the returned value of the view function is transformed into a JSON response. The view function can return the response payload, status code and headers in various forms: 1. A single object. Can be any JSON serializable object, a Flask Response object, or a SQLAlchemy model: .. code-block:: python return {} return make_response(...) # custom Response return Mode.query.filter_by(prop=prop).first() # SQLAlchemy model instance return [] return "string response" 2. A tuple in the form **(payload, status, headers)**, or **(payload, headers)**. The payload can be any python built-in type, or a SQLAlchemy based model object.: .. code-block:: python # payload, status return {}, 201 return [], 201 return '...', 400 # payload, status, headers return {}, 201, {'X-Header': 'content'} # payload, headers return {}, {'X-Header': 'content'} """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if request.method == "POST": if not request.is_json: abort(415, "application/json mimetype expected") if request.get_json(silent=True) is None: abort(400, "The request payload has an invalid JSON object") ro = func(*args, **kwargs) # returned object if type(ro) != tuple: if isinstance(ro, (int, bool, str, list, dict, list)): return jsonify(ro) if isinstance(ro, Response): return ro ro = (ro,) payload, status, headers = ro + (None,) * (3 - len(ro)) if type(status) != int: headers, status = status, None if is_sqla_obj(payload): try: payload = payload.export_data() except AttributeError as e: # If the method exist, the exception comes inside of it. if hasattr(payload, "export_data"): # So re-raise the exception. raise e payload = export_data(payload) response_object = jsonify(payload) if status: response_object.status_code = status if headers: response_object.headers.extend(headers) return response_object return wrapper
[docs]class Collection: """ Creates a callable object to decorate collection endpoints. View functions decorated with this decorator must return an SQLAlchemy declarative class. This decorator can handle filtering, search, pagination, and sorting using HTTP query strings. This is implemented as a class to extend or change the format of the query strings. Usually, you will need just one instance of this class in the entire application. Example: .. code-block:: python # First create a instance collection = Collection() @app.route('/products') @collection() def index(): # return a SQLAlchemy declarative class return Product """ def _parse_query_string(self, cls, qs): qs = qs.to_dict(flat=True) schema = generate_schema(cls) mapper = inspect(cls) columns = [ for column in mapper.c] query_string_schema = { "select": { "type": "dict", "allowed": columns, "valueschema": {"type": "integer"}, }, "search": { "type": "dict", "schema": { "t": {"required": True}, "f": {"required": True, "type": "list", "allowed": columns}, }, }, "filter": {"type": "dict", "schema": schema}, "sort": {}, "limit": {"type": "integer", "coerce": int}, "page": {"type": "integer", "coerce": int}, } # First decode all modifiers with JSON string json_keys = {"select", "search", "filter"} decoded_qs = {} for key, value in qs.items(): if key in json_keys: try: decoded_qs[key] = json_loads(value) except JSONDecodeError: raise ValidationError({key: "Invalid JSON string"}) else: decoded_qs[key] = value v = Validator(query_string_schema) if v.validate(decoded_qs, update=True) is False: raise ValidationError(v.errors) return v.normalized(decoded_qs) def _filter_modifier(self, query, filters): return query.filter_by(**filters) def _parse_select_modifier(self, select): include = [] exclude = [] for column_name, flag in select.items(): if flag: include.append(column_name) continue exclude.append(column_name) params = {} if include: params["include"] = include if exclude: params["exclude"] = exclude return params def _search_modifier(self, cls, query, search): term = search["t"] filters = [] mapper = cls.__mapper__ for column_name in search["f"]: column = getattr(cls, column_name) if mapper.c[column_name].type.python_type != str: column = func.cast(column, Text) filters.append(column.ilike(f"%{term}%")) return query.filter(or_(*filters)) def _sort_modifier(self, cls, query, sort): sorting = [] for column_name in sort.split(","): if column_name.startswith("-"): column = getattr(cls, column_name[1:]) sorting.append(column.desc()) continue column = getattr(cls, column_name) sorting.append(column.asc()) return query.order_by(*sorting) def __call__(self, default_limit=30, max_limit=100): def decorator(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): Model = f(*args, **kwargs) filters = {} if hasattr(Model, "org_id"): filters = {"org_id":} modifiers = self._parse_query_string(Model, request.args) query = Model.query if "filter" in modifiers: filters.update(modifiers.get("filter", {})) if filters: query = self._filter_modifier(query, filters) if "search" in modifiers: query = self._search_modifier(Model, query, modifiers["search"]) if "sort" in modifiers: query = self._sort_modifier(Model, query, modifiers["sort"]) page = modifiers.get("page", 1) limit = min(modifiers.get("limit", default_limit), max_limit) result = query.paginate(page, limit) items = result.items export_data_params = {} if "select" in modifiers: export_data_params = self._parse_select_modifier( modifiers["select"] ) payload = export_data(items, **export_data_params) return payload, {"X-Total":, "X-Page": page} return wrapper return decorator
#: Decorator to handle collection endpoints. This is an instance of #: :class:`Collection` so head on to that class to learn more how to use it. collection = Collection() def _import_data(model, data): # Classes with the import_data method can customize the import # process, therefore, prioritize it. if hasattr(model, "import_data"): model.import_data(data) else: import_data(model, data) def list_view_func(modelcls, ident_prop, primary_key, schema, is_org, **kargs): return modelcls def add_view_func(modelcls, ident_prop, primary_key, schema, is_org, **kargs): payload = request.get_json() if is_org: payload["org_id"] = v = Validator(schema, modelcls) if v.validate(payload) is False: raise ValidationError(v.errors) model = modelcls() data = v.normalized(payload) _import_data(model, data) database.session.add(model) database.session.commit() return model, 201 def item_view(modelcls, ident_prop, primary_key, schema, is_org, **kargs): """Generic view function to handle operations on single resource items.""" ident = {prop: kargs.get(prop) for prop in ident_prop} if is_org: ident["org_id"] = try: model = modelcls.query.filter_by(**ident).one() except NoResultFound: abort(404) if request.method == "GET": return model if request.method == "DELETE": database.session.delete(model) database.session.commit() return model if request.method == "PATCH": payload = request.get_json() v = Validator(schema, modelcls) if v.validate(payload, update=True, model=model) is False: raise ValidationError(v.errors) data = v.normalized(payload) _import_data(model, data) database.session.commit() return model type_mapping = {int: "int", str: "string"} def _generate_route_rules(base_url, modelcls, ident_prop, is_org=False): list_rule = f"/orgs/<aud:orgname>/{base_url}" if is_org else f"/{base_url}" item_rule = f"{list_rule}/" columns = [getattr(modelcls, column_name) for column_name in ident_prop] for column in columns: python_type = column.type.python_type _type = type_mapping.get(python_type, "string") item_rule += f"<{_type}:{}>," # Remove the last , character item_rule = item_rule[:-1] return (list_rule, item_rule)
[docs]def add_resource( app, modelcls, base_url=None, ident=None, methods=None, secure=True, resource_name=None, parent_resource=None, ): """ Registers a resource and generates API endpoints to interact with it. The first parameter can be a Flask app or a Blueprint instance where routes rules will be registered. The second parameter is a SQLAlchemy model class. Let start with a code example: .. code-block:: python class Product(Model): __tablename__ = 'product' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) add_resource(Product, app) The above code will generate the next route rules. +-----------------------+--------+----------------------------+ | Route rule | Method | Description | +=======================+========+============================+ | ``/product`` | GET | Retrive a collection | +-----------------------+--------+----------------------------+ | ``/product`` | POST | Create a new resource item | +-----------------------+--------+----------------------------+ | ``/product/<int:id>`` | GET | Retrieve a resource item | +-----------------------+--------+----------------------------+ | ``/product/<int:id>`` | PATCH | Update a resource item | +-----------------------+--------+----------------------------+ | ``/product/<int:id>`` | DELETE | Delete a resource item | +-----------------------+--------+----------------------------+ By default, the **name** of the table is used to render the resource list part of the url and the name of the **primary key** column for the resource identifier part. Note that the type of the column is used when possible for the route rule variable type. If the model class has a composite primary key, the identifier part are rendered with each column name separated by a comma. For example:: class OrderLine(Model): __tablename__ = 'order_line' order_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) product_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) add_resource(OrderLine, app) The route rules will be:: /order-line /order-line/<int:order_id>,<int:product_id> Note that the character (_) was sustituted by a dash (-) character in the base url. To customize the base url (resource list part) use the ``base_url`` parameter:: add_resource(app, Product, 'products') Which renders:: /products /products/<int:id> By default, all endpoints are secured with :func:`~saraki.require_auth`. Once again, the table name is used for the resource parameter of :func:`~saraki.require_auth`, unless the ``resource_name`` parameter is provided. To disable this behavior pass ``secure=False``. Model classes with a property (column) named ``org_id`` will be considered an organization resource and will generate an organization endpoint. For instance, supposing the model class Product has the property org_id the generated route rules will be:: /orgs/<aud:orgname>/products /orgs/<aud:orgname>/products/<int:id> .. admonition:: Notice If you pass ``secure=False`` and an organization model class, :data:`~saraki.current_org` and :data:`~saraki.current_user` won't be available and the generated view functions will break. :param app: Flask or Blueprint instance. :param modelcls: SQLAlchemy model class. :param base_url: The base url for the resource. :param ident: Names of the column used to identify a resource item. :param methods: Dict object with allowd HTTP methods for item and list resources. :param secure: Boolean flag to secure a resource using require_auth. :param resource_name: resource name required in token scope to access this resource. """ is_org = hasattr(modelcls, "org_id") # The table name is used to generate flask endpoint names table_name = modelcls.__tablename__ # When resource_name is not provided use the name of the table resource_name = resource_name or table_name # Use the table name as default base URL base_url = base_url or "-".join(table_name.split("_")) primary_key = inspect(modelcls).primary_key schema = generate_schema(modelcls) primary_key = tuple( for column in primary_key) ident = (ident,) if ident else primary_key list_rule, item_rule = _generate_route_rules(base_url, modelcls, ident, is_org) methods = methods or {} list_methods = methods.get("list", ("GET", "POST")) item_methods = methods.get("item", ("GET", "PATCH", "DELETE")) defaults = { "schema": schema, "modelcls": modelcls, "ident_prop": ident, "primary_key": primary_key, "is_org": is_org, } # Resource list if "GET" in list_methods: endpoint = f"list_{table_name}" view_func = json(collection()(list_view_func)) if secure: parent_resource = ( parent_resource if parent_resource else "org" if is_org else None ) view_func = require_auth(resource_name, parent_resource=parent_resource)( view_func ) app.add_url_rule(list_rule, endpoint, view_func, defaults=defaults) if "POST" in list_methods: endpoint = f"add_{table_name}" view_func = json(add_view_func) if secure: view_func = require_auth(resource_name)(view_func) app.add_url_rule( list_rule, endpoint, view_func, defaults=defaults, methods=["POST"] ) # Resource item view_func = json(item_view) if secure: view_func = require_auth(resource_name)(view_func) if "GET" in item_methods: endpoint = f"get_{table_name}" app.add_url_rule( item_rule, endpoint, view_func, defaults=defaults, methods=["GET"] ) if "PATCH" in item_methods: endpoint = f"update_{table_name}" app.add_url_rule( item_rule, endpoint, view_func, defaults=defaults, methods=["PATCH"] ) if "DELETE" in item_methods: endpoint = f"delete_{table_name}" app.add_url_rule( item_rule, endpoint, view_func, defaults=defaults, methods=["DELETE"] )